

Family Medicine & Primary Care Practice located in Lufkin, TX


Only about a fifth of people in the United States keep up with their annual physicals, but doing so helps you stay informed about your health and wellness. At VIP Health Family Clinic in Lufkin, Texas, providers Annysue Emmons, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, and Rocio Villegas, APRN, FNP-C, offer school physicals and annual physicals to local adolescents and adults. Call VIP Health Family Clinic or schedule an appointment online to get your next annual physical on the books. 

Physicals Q & A

How do physical exams work?

A physical exam involves a thorough evaluation of your overall health from multiple perspectives. The team at VIP Health Family Clinic first measures your height and weight, then measures your vital signs, including your blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate. 

After that, the VIP Health Family Clinic team checks the function of your organs one by one. This includes your eyes, ears, nose, and throat, as well as the organs in your abdominal cavity such as your stomach and kidneys. They check your abdominal organs using palpations. 

If you have any current concerns about your health, the team reviews those too. Additionally, they review your medical history and family health history so they can provide personalized care and recommendations based on your needs. 

Which types of physicals are available?

VIP Health Family Clinic provides community members with physicals to meet their needs. You can visit the practice for your next:

Annual physical

Once a year, you should plan on getting an annual physical with your primary care provider. This exam checks your overall health and allows you to keep an updated record of changes in your health over time. 

School physical

School physicals review a student’s health before the school year starts, and some sports teams require physicals before starting the season as well. Similar to annual physicals, these physicals make sure you’re healthy and ready to meet your school’s requirements. This includes updating your vaccines and treating or managing any existing health conditions. 

What are the benefits of getting a physical?

A physical exam may take up space in your agenda but with good reason. There are considerable benefits associated with getting routine physical exams from your primary care provider. By keeping up with physical exams at VIP Health Family Clinic, you can:

  • Track trends in your health over time
  • Get to know your providers
  • Detect early signs of health concerns (with preventive screenings)
  • Receive personalized health and wellness advice
  • Reduce your risk of preventable health conditions by changing your habits

Physical exams help you see the real-time effects of poor habits like smoking, drinking, and an imbalanced diet so you can take them to heart and change your lifestyle for the better. 

To schedule your next physical, call VIP Health Family Clinic or book a visit online today.